About the Offbeat Appetite

A couple posing opposite the town hall of Sapporo, Japan

Hello there!

This is Claire and Marco. Until recently, we were chasing palm trees in South East Asia. We're now basking in the Mediterranean sun, somewhere between Malta and Italy (and maybe someplace else).

Now for the good stuff. The Offbeat Appetite is largely a blog about food, inspired by our time abroad. But it’s more than that. Our travels have exposed us to, not just the importance, but the necessity of sustainable living, as our choices will increasingly impact vulnerable communities across the globe.

We want the Offbeat Appetite to not only inspire in the kitchen. We want to inspire others to get better at making sustainable choices, as we also strive to become better citizens every day, one offbeat step at a time.

Want to get in touch?

Reach us on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, or send us an email (offbeatappetite@gmail.com). We would love to hear from you.

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